As Christians ready themselves for Good Friday and Easter Sunday, The Decolonized Christian provides a poignant perspective of the true good news of the Gospel.
"The cross is Jesus’ way of subverting the narrative of Empire, ending the cycle of violence through the absorption of violence upon Himself. It was a radical act that not only subverted the colonial powers of Rome, but—wait for it—achieved a new reality that prioritized the oppressed. This is the upside-down “Kingdom of God” that Jesus preached, where the last will be first and the first will be last. It is a truth narrative that gives preference to oppressed people. Jesus is saying there’s an even better way than using violence to achieve deliverance from one’s enemies (that even includes forgiveness of said enemies). This is the scandalous good news of Jesus the Christ. It might be bad news to an oppressor at first, but if they are willing it has the power to liberate them as well. The Way of Jesus is truly liberating for all who are willing to see it!"
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