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Stellenbosch urination emblematic of deeper racism - New Frame


"Though the Stellenbosch university student’s act needs to be condemned, obvious discrimination is a symptom of an ingrained hierarchical system that continues to favour white people."

"South Africans are very good at calling out obvious racists – the ones who call Black people names or abuse them. But the country is still very poor at naming and changing the core of racism. There are many reasons for this, but one of them is that the way things were organised under white rule is so deeply embedded in everyone’s minds that the past three decades have been devoted largely to absorbing Black people into the system rather than changing it. Since the system was designed for the few, most remain on the outside looking in.

When that begins to change, the country will have begun to challenge racism. Until then, shouting at the symptoms is necessary, but leaves the core problem untouched."

20 May 2022

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